Diamond Leaders
Ron & Georgia-Lee Puryear Bill & Peggy Britt
Brad & Julie Duncan Greg & Laurie Duncan
Joe & Norma Foglio Dan & Sandy Yuen
These are just some of our Diamond Leaders within the World Wide Group.
Each have a story and back ground just like your's and mine, Ron was an accountant and Georgia-Lee was a waitress at Denny's.
Brad had a construction company and his brother Greg was a surgeon. Dan sold cell phones and pagers.
So if these people who are just like you and I can be free of the JOB, then so can we, it only takes a little change in what we do, such as stop doing the things that wont make you money.
So do you know what JOB breaks down to,
J Just
O Over
B Broke
Now wouldn't you like to be so Financially Secure that you don't have to worry about bills, debt or just about everything to do with money. To beable to take a trip every month if you wanted.
I don't know about you but thats what I want for my family and I'll help you get the same for yours if you wish to help yourself.